Friday, February 25, 2005

Interesting Developments

In a previous post, I described how I have always been somewhat of a true crime buff and a sucker for just about any kind of a mystery. I got started in my early years in the Nancy Drew/ Hardy Boys books, and it just progressed from there. I also loved the old t.v. shows like "Columbo" and "Murder, She Wrote" and of course, "Sherlock Holmes."

So in my adult years, I have frequently been fascinated by some of the more challenging true life crimes that have gone unsolved. Recently, I ran across the BTK case going on out in Wichita. It is a very fascinating case in many ways, but mainly because the killer seemed to just drop off the face of the earth only to reemerge a year or two ago after a 25 yr. hiatus.

I had spent some time while I have been sick reading up on the case a little. Like everyone else, I was just bumfuzzled as to why a guy would disappear for that amount of time and then come back as though he had not skipped a beat. Also captivating was the fact that he claimed to be born around the year my parents were, so I had a very real idea of what he might be like just from observing my parents' generation.

Just two or three weeks into my research, it appears they have caught the guy they believe to be "BTK." It seems they have him dead to rights. Many people thought he would never be taken alive, and that he would kill again before he was caught. It is going to be fascinating to hear explanations for all the questions that people have had for 30 years now. Move over Michael Jackson and Scott Peterson. My dad now has a new story to be irritable about when they make up BTK theme music and have a story every 15 minutes on Fox News for the next two years. In fact, with the trials of Michael Jackson, Robert Blake, and now BTK going on, Dad is probably going to go absolutely nuts.

I have a busy weekend planned. I am going to try to go get my new contacts tomorrow, and the boys have to sing tomorrow night at a chili supper. We have a lot of house cleaning and trash hauling to do if the weather cooperates. Then hopefully, on Sunday we will all make it out to church and we will get to see my folks for the first time in about 5 or 6 weeks, if all of us are well! Mom says she is not 100 percent yet, but I told her I doubt she has anything we have not had.

I heard the "S" word today--yes, snow! But I will not believe it until I see it. Sam said it may come the first of next week, but I am not believing it yet. Time will tell.

Today was the 106th anniversary of my grandfather's birth. I can't ever forget him. He was indeed a character and one of the loves of my life. I'll always miss him, no matter how old I get. Happy Birthday, Cocky!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Will you e-mail me? My computer crashed....AGAIN....*waaaaahhhh*