Thursday, February 03, 2005

In the beginning.....

I am constantly amazed at where technology is taking us. Eight short years ago, I had never had much exposure to a computer, much less the world wide web. I'll never forget how exciting it was to turn my personal computer on for the first time and experience the thrill of hearing Windows open for the first time. That familiar sound has become as close as an old friend.

It is like that with so many things in my life. I love what is familiar, but I long to learn new things too, lest I become stale. Hence....this blog!

I am fairly familiar with my computer now...where it can take me and what I can accomplish with it. But a blog is new terrain.

I have been told---no, strongly encouraged--by family members, friends, and even total strangers I meet on places like eBay that I should write for a living. I don't know when I would get any sleep if I added one more thing to my plate. I guess that as I begin this journey, I will just rearrange my responsibilities so that I can try my hand at putting my thoughts into writing. Maybe if this goes well, I will think about loftier projects.

Lately, my days have been full of coincidences and know how it is. You think of someone and they call you out of the blue. You write an email as one comes in from the person you were just writing. You get a piece of news that answers a question you and your mate were just discussing. It has been like that all week. So tonight, when a good friend sent me the URL for her Blog, and I had just been discussing the possibility of blogs with my techno-husband, I took that as a sign that it is time to start a Blog of my own.

O.K. So I know you are wondering why the title, "Grit Gravy." Well, when I was a little girl, my favorite place to be was at my grandparents' house. My grandfather, affectionately known as "Cocky " (that's another blog) made the best gravy known to man. When I would awaken in the morning, I would be knocked backwards, as it were, by the unique and delightful blend of scents coming from the kitchen. The smell of baking biscuits (the real deal, not store-bought), perking coffee, and the gravy----oh, the gravy!----was just about more than one could process through the old olfactory organs!

Cocky claimed that the secret to his gravy was the grits. (Now grits are a food stuff known only to Southerners, apparently, because my Yankee love, alias husband-- Tim, had never really experienced the joy of grits before getting with me. Now Tim is truly a Southerner, because he has embraced grits with all the love of a Tennessee native!) But there was more than just grits in that gravy. It was surely a special blend of secret ingredients and a lot of love that went into that artery-clogging mix.

So, as I started this blog, I could not think of any better name for my mixture of thoughts and love than "Grit Gravy." By the way, my Cocky, my Nanny, my mother, my father, and my grandmother who recently passed--Mammaw--were all exceptional gravy-makers in their own right. This is dedicated to them--all those who threw something into the pot of my life and seasoned it all with love.

I also dedicate this to Tim---my husband and the love of my life---from your G.R.I.T.S. (girl raised in the South!)

To fulfill a dream, to be allowed to sweat over lonely labor, to be given the chance to create, is the meat and potatoes of life. The money is the gravy. As everyone else, I love to dunk my crust in it. But alone, it is not a diet designed to keep body and soul together.

Bette Davis (1908 - 1989), The Lonely Life, 1962
I come from a family where gravy is considered a beverage.

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