Monday, February 14, 2005

Happy Valentine's Day, All!

Well, the great holiday for lovers has rolled around again, but alas, it falls on Monday this year! What a bummer day to have a holiday! :)

Tim and I have everything against us this year for any hope of a romantic day, it seems. It's like that when you have five children. Trying to place all of them so that you can have quiet, romantic evenings is about as impossible as trying to smuggle daybreak past a rooster!

I expect that we will try to sneak in some quiet time over this next weekend when we travel to Chattanooga for the state basketball tournament. The three boys will be staying in their own hotel, so maybe we can get a nice room for a couple of nights up there. I had much rather put Valentine's Day off til a better day than to try and have it on MONDAY! Yuck!

The boys have their last ballgame today before state. They travel to an away game tonight, and then at the end of the week, we're off for the BIG ONE! As much as I have loved every minute of ball, I am ready for a little down time to get some other things done in our lives!

Well, in bad news, my nephew Ben has apparently succombed to the dreaded Puke Bug of blogs past. Now Ben has been nowhere in proximity to my kids or friend Jennifer's! This is just further evidence that the bug has hit the entire state and is running (literally) rampant. Our prayers are with you, young Ben. May you not speak into the "big white phone" for very long.

I really don't have a lot of news to report. We rejoiced that my brother's congregation had another baptism last night. Mom is supposed to get me a count here in the near future of how many have obeyed the gospel since Dan became the preacher at this wonderful little congregation "out in the sticks" of our fair state. This little church is a wonderful example of what can happen when people bring their family members to meet the Lord. So many there have become Christians and then had the courage to tell the rest of their friends and family about Christ. We rejoice with the new brother in Christ and all the wonderful Marcella family!

I was able to attend morning services yesterday but not evening due to teething problems with the Bee. She has jaw teeth set to come in with a vengeance, and she cried the entire 45 minute trip yesterday morning. I know she is in horrible pain.

Well, hope everyone that is celebrating today has a lovely Valentine's Day, but if you are putting it off like we are, I totally understand. See ya in the next update if I live through teething!

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