Saturday, February 19, 2005

The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men....

The last time I wrote, my "babies" were packing their little duffel bags for State Tournament! On Thursday morning, not having had a lot of sleep, we all woke early to make sure nothing was forgotten in the rush to get to school. I irritated each boy, asking numerous times, "Are you sure you packed enough underwear? Did you get your tennis shoes? Where is your tie?" Finally, all was packed, and quickly gathering some pillows, I placed one in each boy's arms and told them I loved them and to "Win for your old Mom," and to be safe!

I expected that they would have one game Thursday night that I would not get to see, and then on Friday, we had hoped to join them over in the eastern part of the state for the remaining games. We were hoping to go all the way and clinch our second title in 2 years!

But, "the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry!" Upon arriving at school, the boys quickly learned that a decision had been made by the administration not to go to the tournament. It seems this flu epidemic has so ravaged our team that those who made this decision felt it was best for the boys not to go and play sick.

Micah called first around 9 with the news. I understood from him that the whole tournament was being canceled. But when Daniel called a little later, he told me that just our team was not going. I have no way of knowing what happened with the rest of the teams at this point. I just know that we did not go, and if the tournament went on, we forfeited.

I really felt sorry for the kids. They have worked so hard for this all year and have been robbed of their chance to repeat last year's winning of the state title. As you can imagine, they were to bury when they got home. To add insult to injury, we are just about afraid to go anywhere because the flu is just raging here. To even eat out endangers one for some new version of the flu that he or she has not already had.

The officials closed the school Friday, and they will be out Monday for President's Day. Hopefully some healing will come to the bodies of these kids. But I can tell you right now, it is going to take some time for hearts to heal. Mine included!

Daniel sees it as his senior year slipping away without all the good things happening that are "supposed" to happen your senior year. I feel for him, but I only hope there will be something better on the horizon. There is one more competition in which the basketball team will participate this year. The title game there won't be nearly as attractive as State was, but it looks like it may just be all that this year can bring.

My mom, always the optimist, told the boys to look on the bright side. Maybe they avoided a bus crash and 20 funerals. Who knows. I think you have to believe in Providence if you are a Christian. Maybe God answered my prayers to keep my babies safe.

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