Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Raising the White Flag

Today, the girls and I quit fighting this awful siege of the flu that has ravaged us over the last...oh, what has it been now...four weeks? We gave up---surrendered! After another miserable night and greeting the morning with the realization that we were no better, we begged Daddy to take the day off and take us to the doctor. We secured appointments for the three of us, and off we went to negotiate the terms of surrender with our individual doctors.

The girls saw the pediatrician first, and Sarah was running fever. Hannah got the prize for worst cough. The doctor decided that we had been fighting this long enough and that we needed a little help from the antibiotics. I was grateful for any help we could get. My doctor said the same thing after examining me. We are probably getting close to the back end of this thing, but hopefully the medicines will help us get over the hump and kill off any infections that are starting in sinuses and ears.

We have totally given up on all hope of snow this year. It just is not coming. I have to say that over and over to get myself to believe we can actually make it through a Tennessee winter without one snow. (Ice storms don't count.) The little birds are already showing up in the back yard chirping their heads off. It won't be long until the little things are so loud in the morning that you cannot sleep!

The boys are recovering from their disappointment about not getting to go to the basketball tournament. They have other goals in sight now that are beginning to get them rolling again. The chorus is practicing furiously for their competitions, and Dan is working on a website for his school to enter in the judging. So they will be very busy doing all their work, the extra work, and practicing ball for the ACE (American Christian Education) games at the big convention.

I'm getting near daily updates from all in the family who have been sick with this flu mess as well, and everyone seems to be doing better. For that, we are grateful. Hopefully, this will be our last week of sickness for a while.

Well, there is not a lot to report today. I am trying to get my mind focused for a big March with lots going on. Micah, my Dad, my grandmother, my mother-in-law, Sarah and an uncle all have birthdays in the first seven days of March alone! Time to get busy on the birthday cards! I am giving a shower for my sister-in-law to be on the 26th. I have to get going with that, too.

That's Wednesday's update. Have a good one!

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