Monday, March 31, 2008

The Newest Member of Phi Theta Kappa!

Today, we traveled down to Spring Hill, TN to watch Daniel be inducted into Phi Theta Kappa, the honor society at his college! Dan has had a big month, finding out that he made it into Who's Who and also that he will be getting some kind of award for being the Psychology Student of the Year!

It is about a month from graduation now. After getting his A.A. degree, he will be moving on to M.T.S.U. to hopefully finish his Bachelors and possibly graduate work. He has been a real trooper, especially this semester with 19 hours of classes and roughly 30 hours of work at the computer lab per week. He has also been teaching a class at church on both Sunday and Wednesday. Needless to say, I think that when he gets out of school in May, he will hardly know what to do with all the free time.

At any rate, we all braved a chilly, blustery day with rain threatening all afternoon to put a quick end to the ceremony. They hurried through it, and fortunately, no one had to catch pneumonia today!

We are very proud of Daniel, who currently has a 3.93 grade point average (the evil Speech teacher gave him his only "B".) I know he has felt every day of every semester, even though the time has gone quickly for us! Now if the next two years can go as smoothly! He is a joy to his parents and grandparents, and Sam thinks he is a great "little" brother. (Sam thinks Dan is shorter now.) Micah, Sarah, and Hannah adore him and have their own set of affectionate nicknames for him, which we shall not post here, sparing him further embarrassment! Congrats, Dan!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Too Cute Not to Share!

This is just too cute not to share! Hit the play arrow!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Happy Birthday, Kelsey!


Happy Birthday to my exuberant, jubilant, sweet niece Kelsey! How can it be 10 years since you graced us with your lovely presence? I thought your parents never would name you, but they finally settled on your pretty, unique name! You have brought me much joy in your ten years on earth! From holding you on my wedding day while you were a wee babe to watching you grow into the fine young lady you are, I have enjoyed your journey! Your heart is pure, and your prayers have helped many, I am sure! My hope is that you will continue to grow into a fine young woman of God, a lady in every sense of the word, in the tradition of your mother, grandmothers, and great-grandmothers! You come from a fine line of tough women, who have stood beside their men through tough times and good times. Learn all about your heritage and be proud, and strive to learn everything your parents can teach you about being a woman of God. You are Sarah Hope's best friend, and I suspect you will always have a bond with her. Be good to your little sister, for one day, she will be one of your best friends, too! You have to set an example for her, which is a big set of shoes to fill, but you are up to the task. Continue to study hard, and I look forward to seeing what you do in your life. God's blessings be upon you today and always, Kelse! Happy 10th Birthday!
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