Wednesday, June 08, 2005

A Work in Progress

This blog is always a work in progress. There is never the time to really do it justice, but it is a fun way of keeping up with family and friends, making some new friends, and sometimes, just good old fashioned venting. People have been keeping diaries for centuries; now, we just do it electronically. This suits me fine. I am a better typist than penman, though I don't do either especially well anymore.

I finally got together my list of 100 things about me. It follows below this. You may not agree with everything I say or even how I say it. I do not wish to be unkind. There are some behaviors that push me to my limits. That is when the Irish part of me fires up, I suppose.

Anyhow, you will know me a little better when you read this. I am so thankful to live in America where I can freely express myself and have little more than a few disgruntled fools to worry about. As some one else said, if you don't like my list, go make your own list on your own blog and rant about people like me. For the rest of you reasonable people, (LOL) read on!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I loved your 100 things! I will do my own list someday!
I clicked on your links and several of them are broken *waaaahhh!*
Jen :)