Sunday, May 01, 2005

May Day!

This may be a short one, as I am tired this Sunday night after a long weekend of activities!

It seems like yesterday that I was complaining that April had rolled around, and I have not accomplished nearly as much as I had wanted to after Christmas. Time is really rolling along.

Saturday, it seemed like all we did was drive. Daniel had been up in Kentucky where he met up with about 40 old and new friends and had an all night party of the Christian variety! They had a dinner, they went bowling, and they stayed up all night playing cards and games and soaking up as much as they could of one another before all returning to where they came from.

We drove about half-way there, and we picked him up at a nice family's house. There was a two-hour delay that we did not expect, so we spent some nice time visiting and getting to know them better. When Daniel arrived, he was falling-down tired. We stopped at Cracker Barrel, and we were aggravated with an hour and a half wait overall before our food got to our mouths. When it did, it was not very good either. That was unusual for this particular C. B.

Then, we brought Daniel home, put him to bed, picked up his two brothers who had spent the night elsewhere, and got back on the road for a "tool and gadget" bridal shower for a couple in the next town. We attended that, and we came home and readied ourselves for Sunday morning as best as we could and fell into bed!

Sundays always start too early around here. Today was no exception. I awoke with a start, thinking that it was Monday and that Daniel was late for his departure for senior trip! I was quite relieved when Tim informed me that it was Sunday, and we were on time!

We took off for our hour-long drive to church, and on the way, Sarah was still hacking so badly with her "seal cough" that we decided to have Tim take her on to Grandma's, where "Meme" was already scheduled to keep her sick cousins home so that my sister-in-law could go to her services and teach class. We figured one more sick girl would not be too much for an old pro like my Mom!

After we attended church, we loaded up again and made the 30 minute drive back to Mom's where everyone except the wee babe, my niece Lauren, was happy. Steph had made lasagna and salad for the whole family, and nearly everyone showed up to wish my little nephew Ben a happy 5th birthday! He is such a doll, and he is so close to my Sarah. They were born 2 months apart and have always loved each other a lot. Sarah, Ben and Kelsey are the 3 Amigos, and little Hannah is trying to edge in, but I think she is going to have to wait for Lauren to catch up!

Anyhow, we had a short, but very pleasant, afternoon visiting with the family, and then we visited where they all attend for evening worship. We always enjoy the services there! They have great singing in their building, and it is always an encouragement to us to get to attend there. We don't get to visit as much as we used to, because the boys are busy in the services of our own local church, but occasionally, we sneak away and visit the country church.

I am a little sad tonight because my baby is leaving on his senior trip tomorrow....this year is getting away from me. I hope he will have a great time and get some great pictures he can share upon his return next Saturday!

Well, that's the weekend news around here. Hopefully, this week will be warmer and prettier here, and all my coughing babies will get well. Hope it is warm and sunny where you are....

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