Friday, May 27, 2005

Busy Bees with a Cold!

I cannot believe it has been 10 whole days since I blogged last! I told my sister-in-law in an email today that I just cannot believe how the days are flying by. It seems that I just get going good when it is time to go to bed again!

We have had a NASTY cold/sinus thingy again. I am so sick of being sick that I am not even going to dwell on the details in this blog. Suffice it to say that I could not get over it on my own, and I had to get some antibiotic help to get over the hump. I still only have about 50% hearing in my ears right now. If that does not clear up in a few days on its own, I guess I will see my wonderful ear/nose/throat guy who will fix it all. In the meantime, dear friend Jen, if you are reading this, I don't know how you do it (go without complete hearing.) It is such a challenge with kids. Mine have just been horrified this week that they tell me things (holler from their rooms as they always do, instead of coming to find me) and I never hear the first bellow. I have to get things up to my ear before I can hear them clearly.

We got a couple of pieces of not so good news this week. First, my father-in-law, Bill, has to have a pacemaker put in, because his heart rate is dropping way down to like 17 when he sleeps. That is not good. So they want to do what they can to regulate it. Surgery will be in the next few days. Secondly, we learned that Tim's brother Kevin is going to Iraq. Of course, we are not happy that he is having to go, but we are very proud of him for being brave and serving his country. He believes in the mission, and he is focused and ready to do what he has to do. I hope we can find some way to see him before he leaves in June or July.

Well, in other personal news, my "baby"---you know, the 18 year old, 240 pound baby has successfully completed all his coursework, oral exams, etc. and is officially through with school. However, the principal keeps finding reasons for him to have to come over for an hour or so. And every time he does, I have to get the girls in carseats and drive over and back and get them in and out. We did that 3 times Tuesday, and I was sooooo sick that day. I think that is why I am so slow at getting better. I can never truly rest. But that's a mom's life.

So now, we have to get his senior table prepared and refine the graduation speech. I am so excited that he gets to give one, and I hope it will go well. I think it is going to be a sweet speech! But for those of you that know my Daniel, that should not surprise you! He is genuinely a sweet,sweet boy. Some girl is going to be very lucky some day to have such a caring and sensitive husband. Ditto for Sam, but this Micah-child of mine....well, I just don't have him figured out yet. He is cut from different cloth, and I am waiting to see just what it is that he is going to become! Right now, I'd bet that he would be working with the circus, but hopefully, he will come around and get more serious about life!

Well, it won't be long before I will be jumping back in the car again and heading for school-land...something that it does not look like I will be doing past next week! Hooray!!!!! Home Schooling is still in the plans for next semester if all goes well. I think we are all pretty happy with the decision.

This weekend is going to be wild and crazy. There are several gatherings scheduled, and I have all this art work to do on the senior table project, so we will be busy.
And if I should find a dull moment, there is enough laundry to last me until I am 80.

Have a great holiday weekend all!

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