Thursday, January 05, 2006

Christmas Pics

Finally....getting some pics up from the Christmas festivities, 2005....

As you can see, somebody had a sense of humor laying out some cookies for Santa! "Mr. Happyface" was baked and decorated by Sarah and Hannah! Next picture is obviously later....

Do I see a few whiskers at the bottom left of that plate?

Before the carnage.....

And after the carnage! Mommy helps put the furniture in Dora's house!

Sam takes a look at his new sheet set in Tennessee orange...and Tommy Hilfiger of course! Later, he checks out his new threads!

Daniel checks out his new down comforter for his new room in Kentucky! (next) checking out the Dockers and the new Phantom of the Opera novel!

Sarah tries without success to wake Micah to open his presents! Unfortunately, the little guy stayed up too late waiting on Santa, and he slept through much of the present opening!

Eventually, Micah woke up enough to demonstrate the proper use of a light saber!

Hannah delights at her new Cabbage Patch baby who shares her birthday!

Sarah shows off a new Leap Pad book that looks to be fun for this girl who enjoys reading so much!

Hannah says, "All I really care about is the chocolate!" Now there's a girl after my own heart!

Sarah looks at two "vintage" toys she asked for---the "Barbie Jet" and the "My Size Barbie House!" (I love eBay and consignment stores, because old toys are better than this new junk they make!) Hannah promptly thought the new house was for her to live in and climbed in! It's that big!

Later, at my parents' house, my brother Doug models the Snickers toupee he made for our "thinning-haired" brother Drew!

Drew and wife, Brooke think Doug is "just hilarious." (Yeah, right! )

Steph and Doug discuss whether a rug or a Snickers Toupee is more effective on Doug, since he will be needing one (a toupee) soon! (Not really, just thought it made a good caption!)

Dad is temporarily buried under a pile of Christmas packages!

Mom and brother Daniel share some hot drinks on a cold day!

Tim and Drew are pretty intently watching the Batman movie! It was pretty intense!

Sarah, and Sarah with her beloved cousin, Ben! In the right of the 2nd picture, in the background, you can see a stocking for our brother, Don, who did not sneak in from Germany as we had hoped he might!

(We'll freeze your candy, Bro.!)

The cousins open their goodies!

Mom shows Dad one of her Christmas pictures as Micah looks on
Doug in the obligatory candid photo that I make of him at every major family event! ( I know I will suffer retaliation photos)

Pappy looks ecstatic to receive his Steve McNair doll! He mumbles, "I really wanted Donovan McNabb!" (inside joke)

After presents, the cousins treat us to their "Grand Opening," a concert highlighting their talents. Kelsey played piano, Sarah sang, and Ben did gymnastics until the unfortunate collision with the Baby Grand piano.

Dan, Steph, and Baby Lauren enjoy the concert! (and some dessert!)

Kelsey plays....

Sarah sings....

Ben---just before the unfortunate accident... fortunately, there were no permanent injuries, to Ben or the piano which has endured two generations of performers!

Tim took the camera and made one of me, Brooke and Drew, so that I could get in a Christmas pic or two!

(Hey, Anne, I made it into 1 1/2 pictures this year!)


k8 said...

good pics!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm enjoying your blog -- I FINALLY saved it in my Favorites! And I'm GLAD you got into SO MANY pictures at Christmas. You're like me -- usually the picture-taker, not the picture-being-in'ner. :-)

Love ya!