Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Nine Years, And There Are Still Fireworks!

Look how little my 3 guys were in 1998--especially Micah!

Then...nine years ago...and now!

Today, Tim and I mark our nine year anniversary! Wow! Where have nine years gone? Many of you shared the day with us in 1998! It was one of the best days of our lives, we agree! So much has happened in both of our lives since that day, and we have been so richly blessed! Possibly one of the greatest blessings has been the addition of two beautiful girls (much to my surprise) to our family! I really thought I was done after I birthed the 3 boys! We have a wonderful mix of kids now who have no idea what a "step" brother or sister is. I adore the way they love each other, and I would not trade a big family for anything!I never thought I would get any of the "pink" variety, but God had other plans!

4 Out of 5--still at home and growing up!

Wedding bells a ringing soon for kiddo numero uno?

To my wonderful, patient, loving husband--Happy Anniversary, honey-baby-sugarpie (inside joke!) Thanks for putting up with me all these years, and I pray we have many more happy and fruitful years together. It is wonderful to have you by my side as we walk through this life. My favorite thing about you is your zeal for the Lord, and I love worshiping with you by my side! I admire your faith (because you found your own faith through study) and your uncompromising stand for the truth! Thank you for helping me raise my boys (and now the girls, too) in the Lord!

If the Lord wills that we continue to live and work on this earth, I look forward to the possible addition of a daughter-in-law in the foreseeable future and the joys that union will bring! (Grandbabies, etc. hint, hint!)

Our anniversary remains a special day, accented by all the lovely fireworks this time of year! (It surely is nice for folks to do this every year for us!) I'll never forget watching our first fireworks show together, as the whole of New York City was lit with the most beautiful display you have ever seen!

I love this man!

I hope that everyone has a safe and happy 4th! Leave the shooting of fireworks to the professionals as much as possible, and don't open any 4th of July email messages this year, as there is a terrible worm going around! Hopefully, we will all get to July 5th safe and sound.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! I can't believe it's been nine years!!
Love y'all! :)