Tuesday, May 08, 2007

I SO Need to Update!

I decided that some other things would just have to fall by the wayside, because this blog needs updating so badly. I am not sure that I can remember all that has happened since I last wrote, but I will give it the old college try!

We were dreadfully late on getting to celebrate my Dad's, Micah's, Sarah's and my niece Kelsey's birthdays like we do every year in March. Tim has been very busy at work, and the weekends have all had something as well. Finally, towards the end of the month, we made it down to have the big family get-together. We always leave with tummy aches, because we try to have cake on top of the dinner, and it is just too much!

We have all been watching the progress of my father, who had the open-heart surgery in December. It seems he takes two steps forward, and one step back, as the saying goes. I think he takes 12 different medications, so it is no wonder that he feels badly on some days. I cannot tell you, then, how gratifying it was to see him preach last Sunday. Last year, around this time, he was in the worst part of congestive heart failure. He sat in his den with three fans on him and the a.c. on high, gasping for breath. When the congestive heart failure relented a little, the doctor decided to act, replacing his aortic valve. Here we are, about 6 months later, and Dad was "back in the saddle" on Sunday! He did an awesome job, and I had to shed a few tears

My brother, Daniel (not to be confused with son, Daniel) is the regular preacher at one of my favorite congregations in Middle Tennessee. Sunday, he moved over and let Dad into the pulpit. Few people know that Dad preached for a while when I was a little girl. Of course, at the time, he was also working as a Highway Patrolman. All my brothers have taken up similar challenges in their lives, working several jobs at the same time, usually. Drew is also preaching now in another church in the county, in addition to working his M-F job. That church had died down to a faithful few of about 40 or so, I think. In the last couple of weeks, they were delighted to have about 27 visitors one day! My prayer is that this church will soon be filled with young people to carry on the work when the 40 older people are gone.

At any rate, we enjoyed all the birthday festivities in March, and then it was no time until my young nephew Ben's birthday. Here are some pics from the festivities.

Sarah was the first to celebrate---about 3 times! I can't believe my baby girl is 7!

Birthday Group 2007
Next came the group celebration, and the photo of Dad with his NINE grandkids, the newest being little Emma Elizabeth!

Speaking of Emma, she is growing so much! She is 4 months now....
(They say she looks like me! I am flattered!)

Emma checks out her Meme's adjustable bed with darling cousin Lauren!

Ben's Cake
Then it was time for Ben's Birthday!

Steph and Ben
Here is the handsome gent and his precious mother Steph!

Grandchildren 2007
The grandkids had to pose again! It is amazing to have them there all at the same time, now that some are growing up! Micah's face is burnt from being out in the pool---yes, the freezing cold pool!

Speaking of going in the freezing pool---here is another brave little snaggle-toothed girl:

Finally, here is one last picture with Tim in it. He is standing in front of a bush that should be all full of leaves this time of year, but the frost got it. There are so many flowers that just did not make it. It looks kind of sad outside this year. I think it is going to be interesting to see the trees this fall. Wonder what they will look like?

(Pardon the sunbeams)

Well, that's enough for one update. Next time, I will try to share some Sam pictures--from his banquet, etc. He is having a fun senior year and is quite excited that graduation is less than a month away! Don't forget Mother's Day on Sunday! Mail those cards if you live far away!

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