Monday, July 18, 2005

The Dog Days of Summer....

Whew! It is now officially hot in Tennessee! The weatherman said today that we won't see the 80's again until the end of the month! Yuck! Good thing Mom and Dad got a pool. Too bad it is just far enough to be a nuisance to get there!

Well, let's see! I have been a bad little blogger lately. In my defense, I feel I have to be a good little mother first, and a blogger afterwards. There are also a lot of other roles I fill, like wife, Christian, daughter, friend, etc. and all that takes time, as you well know. So if I disappear for days, just know that a friend or family member or brother or sister in the Lord needs me more, and I will return.

We have been quite the busy little beaver family this month. We have been on the road a lot, it seems, but then that seems to be our life anymore. That is not a really great thing when gas is $2.25 a gallon in places where we are. It is probably higher where some of you are. Tim has to drive an hour and a half each way to work daily, so you can imagine what we spend on gas each month. It is ridiculous.

Lately, we have also been able to meet quite a few of our internet friends, many of whom we have been talking with for some time over the internet, but never met in person. For some strange reason, lots of them have decided to visit Tennessee this month, and we drive to wherever we can meet up with them and have little miniature visits. That has been neat to meet some e-buddies like that!

Some have even decided to become residents of Tennessee! That tickles us more than you can know. We will give them time to notify next of kin before we make their announcements public! :) God moves in mysterious ways, and His plan always amazes me when I can see it from the other side.

My boys have both just about finished their Driver Training Schools. We decided it was worth paying for two teens to take the course so that WE would not have to be the ones out driving with them! As soon as we get all the forms in the mail and they take the eye tests, both will have what they went for---Dan a license, and Sam has to hold a permit for 6 months because he is not 18 yet. All these new laws confuse me. I liked it better when kids just got their licenses, no strings attached, at 16. I issued many a license myself when I worked for the state for a few summers and one fall as a D.L. examiner. My kids can hardly believe their old mom was brave enough to get in cars with strangers and give road tests. It was probably not the smartest thing I ever did, but it was a fun job!

Daniel finished his course first, because he had to exit this last weekend for a preacher training school in Indiana for the next two weeks. He arrived Saturday, and he has happily settled in learning a year and a half worth of material in the space of two weeks. They really do an accelerated course there, but I have heard really good things about the program. I don't know if he will end up preaching as a career, but even if he doesn't, it will help him in the church as he teaches classes and fills in preaching and things like that through the years.

Sam does his last behind the wheel thing tomorrow. I hope he passes. He is having trouble with turns, he says. Maybe it will click for him tomorrow. He had to drive in a terrible storm today. That is bad enough for experienced drivers.

Tim can't get a break right now at work for anything. They have been so jammed up all year. Now, there is the threat of a strike looming, and that will just make more work for him. I am praying that we are going to be able to sneak out for a little time in August and go with him on a business trip, where at least the kids and I can have a change of scenery for a bit. I am still waiting on that boredom that I have been craving for months now.

Yes, dear mom and grandmother, I am wishing my life away again, but I cannot wait for the blizzard of 2005---the one that did not get here last season. My little girls need to know what it is like to build a snowman, and Daddy needs some down time, too! Well, snow seems like a nice note to end on, on this muggy night. Hope you are cool wherever you are....

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