Sunday, March 20, 2005

Oh, Where, Oh, Where Has D'Lee Gone....

I know some of you have been singing that for a few days now. I guess it has been more like a couple of weeks since I have made the time to post. Sometimes it is just like that. A Mom of 5 cannot always blog every day!

It seems there has been more than usual going on! Thankfully, this is Spring Break week coming up. I wish we could get out of here for a week, but Daddy is at his busiest time of the year so far, and his new guy is starting the job tomorrow. Tim has added one to his crew, so now, hopefully, he will have someone a little competent to help with some of the technical stuff at his work. He has a great crew of guys that work for him, but they all do different things, and so far, there has really not been anyone with the technical skills that Tim has to lift off some of his work load. The new guy will be a big help, we hope.

We are thick in the middle of Spring appointments---you know, the maintenance things you put off all winter because you did not want to get out in the cold?

Sam had oral surgery last week, and Sarah has it this Tuesday. My kids, or at least some of them, were not blessed with great teeth. So now, we are going to have to address problems in their mouths and see where it takes us. I hope Sarah is going to do ok with this kind of thing. She has never had anything like this, and she is somewhat of a tenderheart, so I am not sure how she will do.

We got some troubling news last week at church, and we learned more about it today at services. One of my dearest friends, Tina, found a lump in her breast. Further tests determined it is malignant. She may have to have both breasts removed this Tuesday if a lumpectomy is not successful or practical. I guess they will not know til they get in there. And then, our dear elder, brother Alvin, found out that some mouth cancer he had has returned in his jawbone. Many times, when someone has cancer in this region, it is the result of using tobacco. This is not the case with him. Both Tina and bro. Alvin are in the earliest stages of determining treatment, having just gotten "the news." It breaks my heart for them and their families, but hopefully they will be able to get through this and be stronger on the other side.

Both Tina and bro. Alvin are just the sweetest people you could hope to know. We have been so blessed to meet and come to know so many wonderful people at our Sunday "home" and our Wednesday night "home." We are a little odd in that we have two churches that we attend! Since we cannot drive the distance and make it in time to the church that we attend on Sundays on Wednesday night, we drive to a closer church. Both groups have been very gracious in "sharing" us. They both make good use of our menfolk in the family. Daniel has been designated as the official "back up songleader." In addition to leading when he is in the rotation, he also fills in if the designated man is sick or absent. He has really come a long way in his song leading and seems very comfortable with that now. He lead a pretty prayer this morning, also. It has taken him some years to get past his strong "stage fright," but he is coming along nicely now.

Micah is chomping at the bits to take a more active part in the worship services. I told him that it helps if people can see you behind the podium. Poor little shorty pants may have to get a box and stand on it if he does not get to growing. I think some day he may be a fine song leader, as he is really exercising those vocal chords in preparation. Sam gets to lead a lot more on Wednesdays than Sundays, but he is just happy to participate whenever. That's my happy-go-lucky boy.

We have rejoiced in the progress of one family at our Sunday church who moved up from Florida. The mother was baptized around Christmas and the father was restored. Last week, two of their teenaged daughters were baptized. The baby, who is a doll, went to class for the first time today and stayed the whole time without a whimper! This family has four girls, similar in age range of our 5 kids! So we have a lot in common. We had a good time getting to know them a little better last week at the Sunday evening Bible study at the preacher's house. Our kids really look forward to that study once a month!

My brother Daniel---we jokingly call him "Parsons Dan"----is baptizing 'em "right and left" at his little country church. No one knows how that kid has worked to build up that church. He has worked 3 jobs in addition to preaching, and he goes to school once a month for a weekend to get his Masters degree. Even with all that, he has made the time to author an outstanding Bible study series working all the way through the Bible. These lessons are not shallow either. He has put in all kinds of time to research and write each and every lesson. It is paying off as it always does in churches whose focus is on the Word. People are turning to the Lord in droves down there. Of course, it also helps that these wonderful people are being converted and then going out and bringing in their own families to be saved. Marcella was at about 20 or 25 in attendance when he got there, and now they have roughly 80 people on a regular basis. Dan and his wife Steph have worked hard there, and it is showing.

Well, tomorrow I have to go have one of those wonderful CAT scans where you get to drink the lovely chalk milkshake. They want to see why my pancreas is acting up a bit. My triglycerides are very high, and we are going to have to get that down. I am back to drinking my cholestiramine drinks which will hopefully bind with the cholesterol and take it out of my body. I think I am going to take cousin Carolyn's advice and ingest some fish oil tablets every day, too. She says it cannot hurt. Carolyn and Hugh are really my daddy's cousins, but I think of them as mine! They are precious people who just happen to worship with us on Sunday too! They always have a big hug waiting for me! Carolyn just LOVES for the boys to lead singing. She has "inside information" that a lot of the "little old ladies" at church like it when the boys lead, also. It makes a Mom proud, for sure! But then, in all fairness, we have a lot of good song leaders there, both young men and older men. We are blessed in that at Collegevue!

I'm proud of myself. For once, I have the girls Easter dresses as well as dresses for Brooke and Drew's wedding in April AND my dresses already bought. I did not take it to the last minute as I normally do. Now, all I have to do is get the shoes all lined up and get my boys attired, and we will be in business. That will be part of the work of this week.

Well, the hour is late, and I do have tests tomorrow. I am also posting another soapbox post, as I plan to do from time to time. I have no way of knowing how many people actually read these things, but it makes me feel better to get things off my chest.

Hopefully, I won't take so long to post again! (Jennifer, I don't know how you do it all!) Alice, if you are reading this, I am sure missing you and the old Kirb. I am beginning to feel like Miss Nancy on Romper Room here...all you kids of the sixties. I look in my magic mirror and I see Alice and Jennifer and Matt and Ron and Sarah and Anne and Susan and Jeff......LOL. Have a great week, everyone, and keep Tina, and brother Alvin, and also Hannah's teacher Miss Joan, and Dan Q., and my little Sarah in your prayers. All except bro. Alvin are due to have surgery this week. Love you all and God bless.....

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