Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Jenn and the Other Dan

Two people who are very special to me are celebrating birthdays today. My little brother, Daniel, for whom my son was named, is 38 today. I remember the icy day he was born very clearly. It does not seem possible that 38 years could have passed since that time.

Some 15 years to the day after "Big Dan" was born, another special person was born. She was the lady who would be engaged to my son Daniel. She was born way off in New Mexico, ironically in the same state in which my Daniel would shortly be conceived and also to Air Force parents.

It is kind of ironic these two share a birthday. They have both touched my life in a special way.

Daniel and I shared a special bond when he was a little kid. I was old enough to nearly be his mother. I cared for him when he was little, and we always got along. My parents said that he cried all the way home when they took me down to college in Florida. I love all my brothers, but I think he was the one that loved me most.

Now Jennifer has stepped into my life. When your son starts looking for a life's mate, you hope he will pick a sweet one. My son did. She has a lovely gentle, sweet, lady-like spirit. We are only beginning the journey together, but I trust that we will share many, many wonderful things as our lives intertwine.

Blessings to two gentle, quiet, industrious spirits on your birthdays! Your faith and determination awe me. Your tenaciousness challenges me. Your calm and peaceable natures inspire me. I love the both of you! Happy Birthday, Daniel, and Happy Birthday, Jenn!

"Baby" Brother Daniel

Jennifer with the Girls

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