As noted in my last (and possibly most succinct post ever!) it is hot here in the South right now. April was especially warm, but then we got a break in May. It actually cooled off and rained a bunch. June came back with a vengeance. Now, July is upon us, and I fear for mortal man if it does not cool down a bit. We were promised there would be no more earth-wide floods. I don't think there was anything mentioned about the possibility of us melting.
I don't know if I have just gotten to be a big wimp or what, but I just cannot take the heat like I could when I was a girl of 16 playing softball in all kinds of heat. Wednesday night, I got so hot getting ready for church that my asthma, which I have not had a problem with in years, reared its ugly head. This house of mine is hard to heat and cool to proper temperatures. If one room is comfortable, another is not. We are making progress in the war of the temps, but it has been slow-going.
I heard a great joke the other day. It seems the good Lord was graciously giving audience to a group of scientists who claimed that they had figured this whole "evolution" thing. One scientist said to God, "Yes, we have even figured out how to make man out of the dust of the ground." "Oh, is that so?" replied the Lord. "Show me how you do it." The scientist stooped down and began to pile the dust into a heap. "Ah,ah,ah!" said the Lord. "Go get your own dust!"
I marvel at all the stupid stuff scientists come up with these days, when it would just be so much easier to believe what the Bible says about how things came into being. They act like you do not have to have any kind of faith to believe their theories! To me, it is more of a stretch to believe their wild tales than it is to just take the Bible and believe what it says. Yep, fellows, go get your own amoebae!
Well, the next couple of weeks are going to be "killer!" Kids will be off to camp, Mommy and Daddy (that's us) will be celebrating our 8th anniversary, Tim's going to take a week of vacation, and Daniel will be coming home to determine if he wants to come back to TN and go to school! Squeezed in the middle of all of that will be a few doctor and dental appts., while I have some good babysitters around. In a family of 7, someone is always up for some appointment. I need to have a yard sale in the worst way, but I am afraid I have fooled around and let it get too hot to have one this year. I don't think fall yard sales do as well as spring ones. I may just price it, box it, and wait til the Spring, Lord-willing.
We went in my mom's pool last weekend for the first time this season. Can you believe it was cold? It takes about a month for the pool water to catch up with the season, I think. Anyway, I found it more enjoyable to lounge on the lounge chairs in the shade (away from those cancer-causing rays!) Yes, I am getting old. It will get better as the summer progresses. Of course, we may all melt by then.
Work continues on our new church building. We had to have all the doors taken down and have them put up so that they open outward, for fire codes. Painting is about done, and pretty soon, the call will go out for us all to show up and move the furnishings of one place to another. Thankfully everything only has to move a mile or so down the road. It should not take long. I am ready to be in the new place, where I can have one classroom for one group of kids, instead of two groups meeting in each classroom as we have been. Try keeping 9 kids focused when the adjoining class is singing all the cool little kid songs you get to sing in church.
Well, that is the update for today. Best wishes to my friend Jennifer who has been feeling a little green around the gills in more ways than one! That strep stuff is a fact, I think I am shutting down before we once again pass a virus through the net! :)
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