Wednesday, June 07, 2006

10 (or thereabouts) Guesses!

Over a year ago, my good friend Jennifer across town prompted me to get into blogging. Yes, she is the one responsible for this rambling, tangled mass (mess) of incoherent thoughts.

We've had a lot of laughs and a few cries out of each other's posts. We have also theorized that it IS indeed possible to pass real viruses (and a few cyber ones, too) through the computer, because no sooner does one of us announce a new plague in our house than the other one's 5 kids come down with the same thing! This has happened more times than we care to count! She can tell you that when I announce a new vomiting virus, she runs for her buckets, because she has only minutes to prepare for the coming onslaught of upchuck.

Having 5 kids each and both being homeschooling moms, on again and off again, we have had a lot in common. It also helps that we share a common faith and a common hope of heaven! You can see why Jennifer is a special friend....(that, and she is one of my two faithful readers!)

Anyway, this week, Jennifer announced that she has some fantablulous news, but she won't share just yet, because apparently, it is not an absolutely done deal, and she doesn't want to jinx it or something. I totally understand the concept, but I am anxious for the reveal!

Jennifer said that as long as we don't know what the news is, that we have the right to keep guessing!

So, without further adieu, and to keep her Haloscan comments box unclogged, I am here posting my new top ten guesses as to what Jennifer's good news is! (Remember, she said it involved phone calls, emails, filling out papers, lots of excitement and a little jumping up and down!)

Possible Sources of Jennifer's Good News!

Guess #1: We all know how hot an issue illegal immigrants are these days. Our town has gotten many immigrants in the past few years. Some are very nice and sweet people, and some are not. I think Jennifer is deeply concerned about how much longer it takes for the average citizen here in Gravyville to get to Wal-Mart now. Trip time has doubled or tripled for some folks because of the impossible traffic situation here in our little overcrowded county. Therefore, Guess #1 is that Jennifer has joined the Border Patrol and is shipping out to go train very soon. Single-handedly, Jennifer will return Gravyville to its former tranquil state, and it will once again be possible to get to Wal-Mart in under 5 minutes!

Guess #2: Al Gore called Jennifer and wants her to join his "Stomp Out G.W. Team!" Jennifer, an avid environmentalist (but a faithful Republican,) is flattered, but is not sure whether the "G.W." stands for Global Warming or George W.! She is withholding her gleeful jumping up and down and her reply until she is sure!

Guess #3: Jennifer got one of those emails from a Nigerian on the Space Station. He assured her that just as soon as she wired him money so that he could pay for a Space Shuttle to come and get him, he would split all of his back astronaut pay with her. Having wired a bajillion dollars to him, Jennifer is waiting for her confirmation email on where she can pick up her funds.

Guess #4: Jennifer has been so proud of her nephew Bryan and his service to our country with the Marines, that she, too, has decided to enlist. She has passed the first several enlistment tests and is now waiting for her guaranteed permanent assignment to Hawaii to be verified before she leaves for boot camp!

Guess #5: Jennifer, an avid Tennessee Titans fan, has agonized over the quarterback struggle between veteran McNair and newcomer Vince Young from Texas. Being the peacemaker that she is, Jennifer has graciously offered to arbitrate the "family feud," and she is awaiting news on whether the Titans take her advice and send McNair to someplace like, say, Baltimore.

Guess #6: Jennifer seemed to rather enjoy her recent travels South to meet blogging buddies she had never met before. Needing a replacement for Carmen Sandiego, PBS has contacted Jennifer with a possible t.v. contract. Jennifer is probably jumping up and down because she is anticipating all the wonderful music she is soon going to be hearing through her cochlear implant from the "too cool" group Rockapella!

Guess #7: Being the consummate eBay shopper, Jennifer has been hand-picked by the executives at eBay to be a guest speaker at eBay Live! this month in Las Vegas. She will ask her good friend D'Lee (moi) to come along, where we will both speak on clothing 5 kids and a hubby on a budget with the tremendous deals off of eBay!

Guess #8: Paula Dean, wanting some time off, has contacted Jennifer about guest-hosting her show on that cooking channel for a while. Jennifer, with her Grandma's sumptuous recipe's in hand, did not have to be asked twice!

Guess #9: Fisher-Paykel, being envious of all those great Maytag commercials with the bored repairman, has contacted Jennifer about being their new spokeswoman. (For those of you who don't know what a Fisher-Paykel (pronounced like Michael) washer is like, just trot on over to Jennifer's to see one of these babies in action!) Jennifer is quite excited about the possibility of a new t.v. career, as an even more-bored Fischer-Paykel repairlady!

And finally, Guess #10: Since my recent blog on the missing "Nun Bun," Jennifer has been tracking down every lead on our missing Nashville icon. I believe that she may have found the lost "Immaculate Confection" and is just waiting on confirmation that the kidnappers have been taken into custody so that she can go get the infamous treasure and bring the Bun home to Tennessee where it belongs!

So tell me, Jennifer, am I close? :) Maybe you can post the answer to this mystery so that we can all quit this speculating and jump up and down with you!


Bone said...

Wow. You are quite imaginative. Here from, where else, Jennifer's :-)

Very creative.

Star said...

Jennifer is right. Your blog is a lot of fun. I'll be back.

YellowRose said...

Very creative!! Jennifer sent me over...she was right, you are a hoot!