Monday, January 02, 2006

Happy 2006!

I have not been on in a while, and that is fine, because one of my New Year's resolutions is that I will not be a slave to my blog! :) Writing should be fun, not a burden, and let's face it, sometimes we are just not in the mood to write. So, when the mood strikes, I will be here, and when it doesn't, I have plenty of other things calling my name.

I thought it would be nice to reflect on some of my favorite things of 2005 as the year has come to a close. All in all, it was not a terrible year, nor was it a great year, personally. I feel very blessed that none of the tragedies that happened to so many of our fellow human beings happened to me or my close family or friends. I had a few family members in Texas affected by the hurricanes, and we lost my dear grandmother in Florida over Thanksgiving, but for the most part, we were spared a lot of the devastation that so many in this country and others faced.

Here are some of my favorite memories of 2005 in no particular order....

----We shared a lot of great moments with our two--yes, two--church families. Circumstances and driving distance necessitate that we worship mid-week with a group closer to us, and on Sundays, we drive a little farther. Both groups have been very understanding of our circumstances and have allowed us to do what we can for each group. We have shared a lot of laughter and tears in both places, and we rejoice that we know so many fine folks in both places who really care if their worship to God is how He wants it rather than how men would change it into what they want. We have also had opportunities to visit some other churches in other counties and states this year, and we have enjoyed being with them. I especially cherish every word--every wise and kind and loving word--that came out of the mouth of one of our dear elders. He is having the fight of his life with cancer, and his example of stamina and courage in the face of horrendous physical challenges has been nothing short of breath-taking to me. I love the times we were with him in his home, and I am glad that we got to share some good times with him this year. I have never personally been under a better collective eldership in the church than the one we are currently under. I revere these three godly men so much, and I owe them a debt that cannot be paid for their watching out for my soul. Being a Christian is truly the greatest blessing one can claim!

----Traveling like we have has made it possible for us to spend more time with my parents, siblings, their spouses, and my nieces and nephews! We especially had a ball in my parents' new inground pool, which we really began enjoying this year! My kids would have stayed at my Mom and Dad's from May until October if we would have let them! It is great to have a place where we can swim privately (but still modestly) and enjoy my favorite outdoor activity! Dad got a new grill in 2005, and we only got a couple of chances to use it before it got cold. So, hopefully this year, we will use it lots and lots!

----We had one of the nicest trips to New Jersey in 2005 that we have ever had. The weather was great, the food and the company with Tim's family was tremendous, and nearly all of us cried when we had to go. (The boys don't cry as easily as the girls!) Each year that Tim and I have with our parents is a great blessing to us, and it is one we do not take for granted.

----I have enjoyed my first year of blogging. I hope others have been blessed by my ramblings, but even if no one ever read anything I wrote, I have enjoyed doing it.

----My firstborn son graduated from high school this year. Not only was the graduation ceremony tops, but we got to share it with so many of the most important people in our lives. Dan, Sam and Micah all came out at the top of their classes when the honors were handed out, and I was the proudest Mom in the place for sure! I have been so proud of my kids, especially this year, because I see so many kids in trouble--kids who have everything in the world materially, but who are not happy, obedient, or on track to be good Christian adults. While my kids are nowhere near perfect, they are spiritually-minded, and they show their light to the extent that other people notice and mention it to me frequently! My kids don't know sometimes that Mama is looking over their shoulder at their on-line conversations, and I am pleased as punch sometimes to find them engaging other Christians and even non-Christians in thoughtful debate and chats on Biblical matters. Since I am ever fighting against the influence of their father, who chooses not to walk in the light, I never take anything for granted when it comes to their proper raising. That is one reason we returned to home schooling in 2005, and I am glad we are doing it! The closeness I share with my kids cannot be expressed in words.

----I learned a lot of lessons about myself in 2005. I had to develop a lot more patience than I had in previous years. Part of that came from dealing with a busy two-year-old at age 43. Some of my patience gained came as a result of dealing with rude and obnoxious people, who seem to be multiplying in our society faster than nice people are. A lot of patience came from living through situations over which I had totally no control and managing to make it out the other side intact. Sometimes you find yourself in uncomfortable situations, and you think you are just going to die before you can get through it. I discovered that I could make it through some things that I did not know I had the strength or the courage to do, and I was still alive! I learned a lot about human nature. I did not punch out one single, solitary jerk! I have learned to control my "Irish" temper more this year than in any year in recent memory. I still have a lot of growing to do in my "Christian graces," but I am finally making some forward progress.

----Tim and the kids and I have made some great memories in 2005 and documented a lot of them on film. While I made absolutely no headway on scrapbooking my kids' lives, I at least photographed them doing lots and lots of different things. Hopefully, this will mean something to all of them when they are older.

----Some good friends have invited us into their lives in times of adversity, and we have been blessed by sharing in suffering with them. While that may sound awfully strange, it really is not. I like to think that we were able to encourage several people in their last days on earth. With others, we held their hands while they said goodbye to a loved one. We have tried to do what we could for some who were suffering unimaginable trials, and we were the ones who ended up being blessed by them, in many cases. Their courage and strength serve as examples which will not quickly leave our minds on how to behave in times of sickness and misfortune. I hope we have learned their lessons well.

----We rejoice in the obvious blessings of life! As 2005 came to a close, Tim still had a job, we were all reasonably healthy, we had everything we need and so much more, and most of those we love were still with us. Not only do we have the love of the two previously- mentioned churches, but we have also been welcomed often by a third group that we worship with when we visit our Tennessee family. They treat us like we are home every time we show up. It is good to belong, good to be missed, good to worship in good conscience wherever we go. After all, we are spiritual beings in earthly bodies, and we are just pilgrims here. Our home country is on the other side of eternity, and we are getting closer and closer to returning home each and every day. I don't ever remember a year where I "got it" more than I did in 2005. It makes sense now more than ever. My mortality is real, and that makes living sweeter every day. When you know where you are headed, it seems to make it a whole lot easier to find your way. As Tim and I said in our wedding vows, in part, "looking toward heaven 'til death do us part...." Here we sit tonight in this house, seven people looking toward heaven. I take nothing for granted. Maybe one or more of my kids will fall off the path in 2006, but I hope at the end of the year I can say either that we are still looking toward heaven, or "Lord, it's good to be home!" Whatever God wills is fine with me.

2006 will surely bring more changes, as life is about changing. The earth does not sit still. I know that one son will be moving on to start his adult life, and as much as I hate letting him go, I am proud that he has cast his lot with other Christians already and that he will continue to have good people to urge him on. The next boy will turn 18 this year, and that will probably mean changes for him, too.

As I exited church Sunday morning, I could not help but think of so many who were with us last January 1st who are now gone. I wondered who would still be there January 1, 2007, if the Lord does not come back first. I am not meant to know these things, so for now, I just intend to love my husband, love my kids, and cherish my friends and family as much as I can, knowing that it all can change in the blink of an eye. I look forward to raising my kids each day and having a ball doing it! What blessings they are to me (well, most days anyway!)

I pray that each and every one who reads these words will be blessed this year and that you will have a profitable and happy 2006!

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