Monday, January 09, 2006


Just a couple of brief announcements....

First, Tennessee has changed its name to New Florida. 70 degree temperatures forced us to run our car air conditioner at times yesterday. Weather records are being broken right and left. All traces of winter have vanished. My children shall never see snow again. (The littlest ones have never seen it.) We now have the weather Florida had years ago when everyone raced down there to live. Now, they just have hurricanes 9 months out of the year, and we somehow inherited their weather patterns. We may be forced to move back to New Jersey where Tennessee weather has now gone to reside.

Secondly, here in New Florida, due to certain current trends in America, we demand that everyone be politically correct towards us as well. Kentuckians, Tennesseans (New Floridians,) and West Virginians will no longer be referred to as "HILLBILLIES." You must now refer to us as APPALACHIAN-AMERICANS.

Thank you very much!


Jennifer said...

Girl!!! You are TOO MUCH!!!
What's with this weather?!?! Good grief!! At least my SAD hasn't been too bad this year...but I'm with you. I WANT SNOW!!

Lazy Daisy said...

What a hoot! Just passing through from visiting jennifer. Our daughter lived in "New Flordia" for four years while in grad school. She has a post today about things she misses about Tennenness (never thought I'd hear those words in the same sentence.) They are really funny. Check it out if you have the time.


How's that for a plug from a proud momma?