As a parent, and more specifically, as a mom, you spend the days you have with your children preparing them for the future--for all the many roles they will have as adults. You pray a lot, and you hope that what you do is enough.
They start to test their wings in short flights, and you applaud when they fly and sob when they have a few crash landings. Those who follow my blogging endeavors know that I have closely chronicled the test flights of my offspring. You have laughed and cried with me.
I just have to make a post to give the glory to God for all the blessings that He has brought about in my life and the lives of my family members. I cannot find the words to express how effortlessly the Lord has brought us to where we have prayed to go; nor can I find adequate expressions of thanks and praise to the Giver of all blessings.
Someone unique and special has come into our lives, and although I know that relationships come and go for young people, someone, someday, somewhere will have a keeper in this young lady. It's way too early to make any long-term predictions, and I would not presume to intrude into the early days of a new and exciting voyage, but I have really enjoyed learning a little about her.
I've always been impressed when I go to someone's blog, and the thoughts of their heart seem to mostly be focused on spiritual things instead of silly, worldly preoccupations. Everyone goofs off a little on blogs at times, but when the preponderance of thoughts expressed are worldly, likely, so is the person. "For out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks."
Dan is not the only one impressed with this bubbly princess. And if you click off her Pleo page onto her myspace, you'll find that her spirituality doesn't end on Pleo. And you just might get a tear in your eye...
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